Brianna Glenn brings Run With US! to 5th & 6th grade Nashville classrooms

INDIANAPOLIS – Run With US!, the brain-break game for elementary classrooms created by the USA Track & Field Foundation in partnership with Health Teacher, leads students through desk-side races as they work their way through events like hurdles, long jump and the 100m sprint. To lead the game in person, Run With US! coaches Shawn and Brianna visited a classroom at Liberty Collegiate Academy to run with a group of fifth and sixth graders. Shy and star-struck at first, the students quickly warmed-up with all-smiles to energetically participate in the fun.


“Everything I’ve learned in track and field is applicable to real life—the idea of hard work, the idea of goal setting, discovering what you want to be successful at and making plans to achieve that,” said Brianna Glenn after the event. “I hope that kids will see the characteristics we’ve applied to our sport and how they can learn from that and be successful in whatever they want to do in life, and also successful in the classroom as students.”

In addition to running with real Olympic track & field athletes, the kids got to ask Shawn and Brianna their own questions while the athletes shared how running track has inspired them to be healthy. Brianna shared how she was always the fastest girl in her neighborhood and loved competing even before she joined a track team. When asked if Shawn got to eat for free at restaurants since he was in the Olympics, Shawn reminded students the importance of giving back to our country and answering yes, he does sometimes get to eat for free—especially in his hometown!

Olympic athlete or 5th grader, the school play event was an inspiring day all about being active in the classroom, staying healthy, and feeling awesome.

While these inspiring athletes can’t visit every classroom in person, schools in your community can be inspired to be active throughout the class day by playing Run With US! alongside Shawn Crawford, Brianna Glenn and others anytime on a projector.

The USATF Foundation provides a means to attract and guide funds to new and innovative track and field programs with an emphasis on providing opportunities for youth athletes, emerging elite athletes, distance training centers and anti-doping education. The Foundation depends upon donations from its Board of Directors, major gifts and from generous fans of track & field.

Elite athletes are supported by the Foundation via monetary grants, career counseling (mentoring & jobs) and participation in Run With US! ( Youth athletes are supported via monetary grants to youth clubs.

For more information, or to contribute to the USA Track & Field Foundation, visit or contact Tom Jackovic at (412) 398-2484 or